
Estimation of Ascorbic Acid and Amylase & Lipase Inhibitory Effects in Fruit Extracts of Certain Courtyard Plants

Objective: Fruits of are little sour in taste. Hereby making an attempt to quantify ascorbic acid content in them. Also aiming to screen Amylase and Lipase inhibitory effects of aqueous alcoholic extract of the same. Methods: Aqueous alcoholic extract prepared and tested for various active constituents. Amount of ascorbic acid determined by spectrophotometric method. Lipase inhibitory effect determined by titrimetrically. Amylase inhibitory effect done based on the reduction reaction of amylase using calibration curve method. Results: All the tested extracts were a rich source of alkaloids and glycosides. Ribes rubrum is also rich in flavonoid, tannin and terpenes. P. edulis and R. rubrum have very good lipase inhibitory effect and also have very good vitamin c content. All three found to have very good alpha amylase inhibitory activity. Conclusion: Based on these results it could be concluded that these fruits are of great value for nutrition and treatment of diet related disease such as obesity and diabetics and consequently a new field of interest in the food industry regarding new bioactive ingredients would be considered.

Author(s): Lincy Joseph and Mathew George

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