

Agroforestry: It is a way to farm with a low impact on Earth. It is a way to restore degraded urban areas. It is based on the rules played by nature itself which we call ecology, and it is capable of providing many direct benefits to the local people living in there. All these benefits are known as the ecological services. Based on its principles I started an agroforestry project in 2018: 5f_Area (Free Fossil Fuel Food Forest). During this period I found out how crucial s not to recognize the single most. Agroforestry goes in the direction of increasing local biodiversity, keeping air breathable, preventing from idrolgeological disaster and desertification, providing healthy food. The good point of this approach is that it is completely suitable for different areas with different climate and environmental features, from countryside to urban areas with a positive result in the enhancement of local land heritage. By giving a value to a local scale people will be able to recognize how healthy the place they are living is.To keep the focus on a local scale is the principle of bioregionalism which is a matter of land and resources management with an interdisciplinary approach. Bioregionalism can be implemented by agroforestry practices to connect productive and urban areas reducing pollution and poverty. Indeed it is quite assumed that urban areas are nowadays disconnected from the food production systems, as well as from the natural reserve dedicated areas. Bioregionalism would be the link between these three systems: cities, agriculture and nature.All of them implemented in the same context. A conscious natural resources management which low impact in energy and food production would be the result of approaching these methods.

Author(s): Giacomo Conti

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