
Development and Validation of a RP-UFLC Method for Estimation of Polyphenol (Gallic Acid) in Anti Diabetic Poly Herbal Formulation

Objective: The principle destination of our work was to develop a simple, rapid and sensitive reverse phase ultra-fast liquid chromatographic (RP-UFLC) method for the estimation of Gallic acid in anti-diabetic poly herbal formulation (Mehagni).
Methodology: Chromatography was carried on a reverse phase C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm) with the mixture of methanol and 2% acetic acid as a mobile phase at the proportion of 70:30 v/v with the flow rate of l.2 ml/min. The absorbance measured at 272 nm by PDA detector.
Result: Optimized chromatographic conditions were achieved and results showed good peak resolution. The retention time was found at 2.0 min. The parameters, such as specificity, sensitivity, linearity, precision, accuracy, ruggedness, robustness and system suitability were performed. The framework was linear with a correlation coefficient of 0.995. %RSD of system and method precision were found to be 1.14 and 1.13. The LOD & LOQ for Gallic acid was found to be 10ng/ml and 20ng/ml.
Conclusion: This method is specific, sensitive, accurate, precise, robust and reproducible. The developed method may be used for the quantitative and qualitative estimation of Gallic acid in commercially available herbal formulations.

Author(s): Rashmi N.G. and Gurupadayya B.M.

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