
Cyberpsychology: A Simple Overview of Addiction, Extended Abstract

Addiction is considered an excessive and pathological
behavior that causes dependence and restricts freedom
. Although the concept of addiction has been generally
attributed to the consumption of substances, different
authors have found a series of potentially addictive
behaviors that do not involve the use of drugs. These
behaviors have been related to socially acceptable
activities such as gambling, sex, work, shopping and
Internet use. These addictions that do not involve the
consumption have been called addictive behaviors .
Around the 90's different researchers had proposed
internet addiction as a new disorder, as well as
addiction to video games, television and mobile
phones. It was then that a new field of study of
addiction emerged in relation to information
technologies and communications, also called
technological addictions. Within this field of study, it
is important to mention the current limitations
regarding the recognition of disorders of problematic
use and addiction to technology. The borderline
between normal, excessive and addictive behavior is a
limitation that has been investigated in recent years.
Although videogame addiction has recently been
recognized, more research is still needed. Currently,
the APA does not recognize the majority of addictive
behaviors, classifying them as a problem of impulse
control. There are still debates about technological
addiction and the confusion of concepts such as
problematic use, excessive use, and pathological use,
among others . One of the most frequent debates is
about the
term of addiction, which is why several authors have
used alternative terms to explain the same behavior.
However, other authors define these concepts
differently. To mention a few, problematic use is
related to indiscriminate use, affecting personal
relationships and a problem with everyday life . On the
other hand, addictive behavior refers to compulsive
dependence, affecting the family, academic and work
environment, as well as social isolation and weakening
of daily activities. it shows deterioration in the control
of its use that manifests itself in cognitive, behavioral
and physiological symptoms. Addictive behavior has
been investigated in recent decades and has been
related to different concepts. Like most addictions,
there is a strong relationship with depression and
anxiety. Impulsiveness and neuroticism are
characteristics that are related to addictive behavior.
Other study variables have been related, such as stress,
loneliness, suicidal ideation, aggression, sleeping and
eating disorders, as well as substance addictions.
Within the technological addiction, the different types
and subtypes must be divided. For example, addiction
to social networks is a subtype of Internet addiction. It
is important to investigate the different types and
subtypes separately, since different characteristics and
consequences can be found. Currently, the most
popular use of technology has to do with the Internet
and within this, the most popular activity is the use of
social networks.
As the years pass, there will also be more
technological advances. Accordingly, the prevention of
pathological behaviours related to technological
addictions should be prioritized. However, it is
important to clarify that the use of technology should
not be taken as something inherently harmful, since it
offers benefits that can be related to positive aspects or
protective factors. Therefore, the priority of
cyberpsychology should be the promotion of the
healthy use of technology . In addition, the approach to
intervention and prevention should also be prioritized
in the negative psychological aspects that have been
related to addictive behavior, since addiction could

Author(s): Fa Etindele Sosso

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