
Covid-19 vaccination challenges in the medical experts discourse research

Statement of the Problem: According to my recent research of the Covid-19 pandemic discourse, the vaccine hesitancy has been partially caused by conflicting medical experts’ Covid-19 vaccines narrative, which led to societal polarization. A critical discourse analysis of crucial aspects in a biased medical experts’ narrative about existing Covid-19 vaccines and vaccination campaign in the world has designated problematic areas in the Covid-19 vaccines research. It indicates a lack of consensus in medical experts’ argumentation. This biased situation results in societal uncertainty and lack of trust in medical experts’ information. The people have to choose between “probable (non-complete and non-guaranteed) protection” from Covid-19 and actual threat of side effects after vaccination and, probably, death. They also fear possible consequences of vaccination such as serious long-term complications–including lupus, infertility, blindness, paralysis, and neurological damage. Contradictory medical data negatively affect the general people’s outlook on vaccination. Medical experts have faced serious challenges, caused in part by people’s vaccine hesitancy, medical data controversy, and sense of responsibility in millions of human lives. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The medical experts’ discourse data has been researched within the framework of critical discourse analysis (Dijk, 2004), content analysis (Bryman, 2012), logical analysis as a qualitative method (Williams, 1981), cognitive approach in psychology (Schank & Abelson, 1977; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, 1984; Whitney, 2001; Pinker, 2003) and others. Findings: Almost all fundamental aspects of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the world have turned out to be biased and contradictory. The medical experts have proved to be unable to reach an accord on the most important issues: their narrative is polarized and, accordingly, nontrustworthy. The analysis of social discourse reveals a set of problem areas in this topic that is a reason for focal concern of the people all over the world.

Author(s): Lyubov Gurevich

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