
Bypass surgery Physiotherapy Editorial

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is one of the most common surgical procedures. To help with rehabilitation following surgery, supervised exercise programmes have been recommended. The aims of these programmes are to avoid the negative effects of extended bed rest, improve heart function, and improve overall health. Improve physical tolerance and skills for basic everyday tasks, as well as the patient's self-confidence, with the end goal of shortening the duration of stay. The exercise training's onset, strength, length, and frequency are all different. Frequencies ranging from once or twice a day to three or four times a day have been registered, but their impact on functional outcomes has yet to be determined remain similar. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of two early postoperative cardiac exercise programmes in patients who underwent CABG surgery during their stay in the surgical hospital, one with a low frequency (once a day and not on weekends) and one with a high frequency (twice a day, including weekends) and to see whether the latter will have enough clinical benefit for the patient to warrant the higher material and staffing costs (physiotherapists). On a level surface, you must walk at a comfortable speed. Stairs should not be used in your walking programme. You can go outside when you can walk for 10 minutes. If the weather is very cold or hot, or if there is high humidity or low air quality, exercise indoors. By weeks four to six, you should be able to exercise for 15-20 minutes at a time. Following your heart surgery, you will benefit from physiotherapy care. Physiotherapy can help you heal faster by keeping you busy and encouraging freedom. From the beginning of your recovery, physiotherapy will help you to move about freely. Cardiac recovery following surgery will help you reach your full potential and participate in activities that you previously couldn't. Following your procedure, physiotherapy will improve your cardiovascular health and sense of well-being, giving you a new lease on life. Physiotherapy will guide you through a graduated exercise programme to help you improve your functional skills, which will include: • A anxiety reduction • Pain management • Strengthening your muscles will help you overcome any weaknesses you might have. • Appropriate posture aiding positioning. • Reduced joint movement can be avoided. • Increased mobility. • Walking and stair climbing are examples of everyday tasks that should be encouraged. • Cardiovascular health and stamina can be improved by exercise. • Health and nutrition advice and help • If necessary, assistive devices for standing and walking. • Transfers (in and out of a wheelchair, bed, vehicle, shower/ bath, and onto and off a toilet) are taught. • Chest expansion exercises should be done on a regular basis to raise lung capacity and eliminate chest secretions. • Techniques for relaxation that will help you get a better night's sleep promoting self-reliance.

Author(s): Sandhya kille

Abstract | PDF

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