
Bioterrorism of today's world

Today`s world is affecting by different tiny creatures that are viruses, bacteria protozoon and fungal spores and their chemical compartments. Which are used as bioweapons to destroy the weakest states. For different benefits like to destroy the economic level and health, mostly to destroy the humanity. So I have written an article on bioterrorism that has been used in a way that can make its possessors as the wondering state in the world. So for there is a huge void to protect our generations from the dangers of bioweapon, which steps we should take to protect our generation and upcoming ones. For this upcoming war which is of bioweapons we should take this steps to protect our beloved ones from this pandemic like (COVID19) (Asian flu) (anthrax) cholera, bubonic plague, are some of the most brutal killer in human history. And outbreaks of these pandemic diseases across international borders, are properly define as pandemic. Others bioweapon on which still researchers doing works to uses as powerful weapon in world, still they are in process to bring genetic mutation in it. Like an example of COVID-19 which is highly mutated structurally and genetically this include 6 mutation in the spike protein of which the virus uses to entry in to the host. Like these pandemic in which we loss million lives it’s only due to bioterrorism act. How and when we will protect from this bio warfare.

Author(s): Zirak Khan

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