

The present thesis is aimed towards assessing the knowledge and practices regarding human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among lady health workers (LHWs). It is a known fact HIV/AIDS has become a global pandemic for the last 30 years which is continued to be prevalent in the present society(Cock, Jaffe and Curran, 2011). However, with the availability for the antiretroviral therapy, the HIV is becoming a chronic disease which requires number of physicians in every field in order to cure the patients(Deeks, Lewin, and Havlir, 2013). This requires the medical staff to be well-trained for the purpose of creating awareness among the people regarding HIV/AIDS. The lady health workers are the key players for the prevention and management of HIV infection. Considering this, the following study will be assessing the attitude and practices of the lady health workers in Sindh for assessing the feasibility of counseling and testing for HIV infection. The aim of Study is to assess the existing knowledge, suggested trainings and mobilization activities for LHWs in order to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS. The trained LHWs can also be used as surveillance tool for HIV/AIDS. The proposed research is expected to play a significant role in promoting the knowledge of lady health workers about HIV/AIDS sexual and reproductive health in Pakistan with regard to sexually transmitted disease and their complications. The inferences generated from this study will contribute in building the knowledge of lady health workers on the use of precautions and awareness for prevention. Furthermore, this work will provide an opportunity to the heath care professionals and policy makers to think up more initiative to address this issue in rural area and all over country.

Author(s): Niaz Ahmed

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