Promotion for People Awareness of “Worryness” and “Anxiety”

Antonios Kalentzis*

Instructor of Psychology, Panachaiki FC, Greece

*Corresponding Author:
Antonios Kalentzis
Psychologist, Instructor of Psychology,
Panachaiki FC, Greece.
Tel: +00302610322306

Received date: February 17, 2018; Accepted date: February 19, 2018; Published date: February 23, 2018

Citation: Kalentzis A (2018) Promotion for People Awareness of “Worryness” and“Anxiety”. J Psychol Brain Stud. Vol.2 No.1:5

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According to recent studies, there is a connection between intelligence and anxiety [1], so people should be aware of anxiety or stress symptoms, even if they re successful in their lives. People often use the term "anxiety”, “stress” or "worriedness but the psychological state we experience each "term" is very different. Scientifically it has been shown that people, who are diagnosed with anxiety disorder, are linked with changes in cerebral cells. Stress, Worriedness and Anxiety are associated with a general anxiety, but the way you can deal with them is quite different, as are the different effects on our emotional and psychological health. The difference between them is that stress is a response to a threat in a situation. Anxiety is a reaction to the stress. Findings based on the 2010-2014 period were given by Dr. Nikolaos Thomaidis, is highlighted that the Mental health drugs increased dramatically in Greece [2]. We have to mention that it was the start of economic crisis of Greece. It can be inferred that Greek citizens were not familiar with Mental Health and they can’t recognize their symptoms, so if they have “worriedness” might force themselves to use Mental health drugs. The most common differences of Worriedness and Anxiety are :

• Worriedness tends to be controlled, anxiety much less.

• Worriedness often triggers the problem solving, but anxiety.

• Worriedness tend to be more specific but anxiety is more diffused

• Worriedness is verbally focused, while stress includes verbal thoughts and mental images.

• Worriedness creates mild emotional distress, anxiety can create serious emotional distress.

• Worriedness tends to be a temporary state, but stress can be delayed.

• We tend to experience worriedness with thoughts and anxiety with our body. In several cases of anxiety is also linked with psychopathology.

• Worriedness does not affect our professional and personal function, stress does

• Worriedness does not require pharmacological treatment

We have to mention that if a person tends to emphasize on pessimistic prejudgment of a future goal, can actually cause psychopathology [3]. Worriedness and anxiety are two different but related situations. We suggest to be created more specialized pilotic programs for mental health that could help people understand the difference of pathology and simple symptoms. Of course we do not promote self-diagnosis, but awareness of Mental health will help people to not be panicked when a stressful situation comes [4].


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