Cell Cycle

The cell cycle, or cell cycle, is a series of events that take place in a cell that causes them to divide into two daughter cells. These events involve the duplication of its DNA (DNA replication) and its other organs, and then the division of the cytoplasm and its components into two daughter cells in a process called cell division.

In cells with nuclei (eukaryotes), (e.g. animal, plant, fungus, and protist cells), the cell cycle is divided into two main phases: interphase and mitotic phase (M) (including mitosis and cytokinesis). During maturation, the cell grows, accumulating the nutrients required for mitosis, replicating, and recombining its DNA and other organelles. During the mitotic phase, recombinant chromosomes, organelles, and cytoplasm are separated into two daughter cells. To ensure proper replication of cellular components and differentiation, there are regulatory mechanisms known as cycle analysis after each important cycle step that determines whether the cell can progress to the next stage.

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