Phototherapy is also known as light therapy. UV light, or Phototherapy, can help create repigmentation of vitiligo. It is currently considered the gold standard treatment when vitiligo covers 20% or more of the body. This process is slow, working from the outer edges of each patch inward, so regular Phototherapy vitiligo treatment is prescribed. Phototherapy is used to treat skin pigmentation. Phototherapy does not give any side effects. Phototherapy consists of poly polarised light, lasers, florescent lamps and full spectrum lights are used.
Related Journals of Phototherapy
Journal of Cosmetology & Trichology, Journal of Dermatitis, Journal of Melanoma and Skin Diseases, Universal Journal of Pharmacy, DermaBest, scopemed, International Journal of Womens, Dermatology, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.