Novitil is a Vitiligo gel containing polypeptides, lipoproteins and oligo elements. Novitil is a skin repigimentation gel which is given for the treatment of skin disorders. Novitili stimulates the melanin production on the skin. It is used for treating hypopigmentation.Novitil is a unique product. It is effective and easy to apply! Typically, the first signs of repigmentation appear within a month of daily use and sunlight exposure. Most people obtain complete results, or substantial improvement, within six months of regular use.
Related Journals of Novitil Vitiligo
Journal of Vitiligo & Dermatomyositis,Journal of Allergy & Therapy,Dermatology Case Reports,Journal of Pigmentary Disorders,Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives, The FASEB Journal, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research, Institute of Applied Dermatology | IAD.