Giuseppe De Rosa

Giuseppe De Rosa Giuseppe De Rosa
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Federico II University of Naples, Italy.


Giuseppe De Rosa was born in Naples on the 13th of February 1973. In 1997 he graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Naples (University of Napoli Federico II). In the same year, he obtained a grant for research activity at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Napoli Federico II. In 2001 he completed a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Technology with a dissertation with the title ?Delivery of biotechnological drugs by biodegradable microspheres?, with research activity carried out in part at the University Paris-Sud of Chatenay-Malabry (France). In 2001 he won a grant from the University of Naples Federico II to work at the University Paris-Sud of Chatenay-Malabry (France). In the same year, he received a grant from Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Françaises to continue his research activity at the University Paris-Sud of Chatenay-Malabry (France). From 2002 Dr De Rosa was assistant professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy ? University of Naples Federico II. From 2014, Dr De Rosa is associate professor at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II. In the same year he received the national scientific qualification as full professor.

Research Interest

The scientific activity of Dr De Rosa is focused on the design and development of drug delivery systems based on micro- and nanotechnologies.