Dr. Richard KabuusuAssociate Professor,
Department of Pathobiology,
School of Veterinary Medicine,
St. Georges University,
West Indies.
Dr. Richard Kabuusu graduated from the Makerere University, Kampala Uganda with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) in 2000, and from the St. George?s University, Grenada with a MPH in 2002, and PhD in 2016. He was admitted to the Certificate in Public Health (CPH) in 2015. Over the past 16 years, Dr. Kabuusu has been involved in numerous public health and veterinary medical research projects. He has published scientific articles in a number of journals and made presentations at many conferences.He has also peer-reviewed for several scientific and professional journals. He is a member of the American Public Health Association (APHA) and American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists.He is also a research fellow at the Windward Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF).He was the Director of the Veterinary Public Health track in the Master of Public Health (MPH) Program at Gt. George?s University for 5 years and has been the course director for the Clinical Pathology course for last 8 years.Following a successful joint research grant awarded by the European Union through EDULINK with Makerere University, Uganda and Kigali Institute of Science and Technology, Rwanda, he developed a degree of Master in Animal Product Processing, Entrepenership and Safety (MAPPES) for St. George?s University.
Research Interest
His main research interests include, but not limited to, disease mapping, zoonotics, medical history, diagnostics, injury and infectious disease epidemiology, and ultrastructural pathology.