Ayhan Savaser

Ayhan Savaser Ayhan Savaser
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Turkey.


Ayhan SAVASER graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy in 1988, He received his M.Sc. degree on Pharmaceutical Technology with his thesis on ??The Studies INH Tablets Available on the Turkish Drug Markets?? in the Gulhane M?litary Medical Academy . He obtained his Ph.D. degree with ??Developmen t and in vitro Evaluation Diclofenac Sodium Tablet Formulations and Bioequivalence?? thesis same Academy in 1999. He worked as assistant professor between 2000-2006 and received his Associate Professor title in 2007. He is currently continuing his research work at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Gulhane M?litary Medical Academy. Dr. SAVASER has served as BA/BE Evaluation Commission member since 2011 and is the writer of 35 scientific articles, 6 book chapters. Dr. SAVASER is married and is has two children.

Research Interest

Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics,Liquid Chromatography and Releated Technologies,Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Human Plasma and Its Drug Dissolution Studies.