Stroke, what is behind the scene? Introduction

4th International Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke
July 05-06, 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

Abbas Alnaji

Al-Sadir medical city, Iran

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Neurosurg

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9633-C1-002


As a neurosurgeon it is often being consulted for a patient with stroke on particular, the hemorrhagic. While I am interested in stroke in general due to the link just a fifteen years ago of my work between stroke and head injury in theory and practice which is the mannitol and steroids were / are given for brain edema. Another fact which had been written in textbooks of medicine started with the primary level, it is, some strokes are caused by microorganisms e.g. like Brucella. Can we say something about its incidence!! When you see the standard lines of stroke management every and any where you simply conclude that the later is not in the scene. If somebody say these are lines to manage the acute phase. I reply to say to him or her did you practically went to reveal the next phase?!! So, on earth it is canceled from the basic thinking. This is an introduction to series of cerebro-vascular accident CVA or stroke to analyze and deal with some hidden or underestimated issues and facts medico-surgically.


Abbas Alnaji has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from Iran Medical University .He is the consultant Neurosurgeon, Al-Sadir medical city, Najaf organization. He has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals. Iraq


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