Microbiology 2020 Conference Announcements

Hiroshi Ohrui

Professor of Microbiology, Department of Pharmacy, Yokohama University, Japan, E-mail: akilic@ktu.edu.tr

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Microbiology is the study of microorganisms (also known as microbes), which are unicellular or cell-cluster organisms and infectious agents too small to be seen with the naked eye. This includes eukaryotes (organisms with a nucleus), such as fungi and protists, and prokaryotes (organisms without a nucleus), such as bacteria. Microorganisms are extremely important in our everyday lives. Some are responsible for a significant proportion of the diseases affecting not only humans, but also plants and animals, while others are vitally important in the maintenance and modification of our environment. Still others play an essential role in industry, where their unique properties have been harnessed in the production of food, beverages and antibiotics. Scientists also have learned how to exploit microorganisms in the field of molecular biology, which makes an enormous impact both industrially and medically. Microbiology also encompasses immunology, the study of the body’s ability to mount defenses against infectious microbes.

The Microbiology 2020 is an event that aims to explore the ways to innovate in the field of Microbiology, and to find new catalysts for better industrial development at Berlin, Germany on April 22-23, 2020. The conference will serve as a platform to bring together leading Microbiologists with different specialties such as Virologists, Pathologists etc. Microbiology, Antibiotics and Public health Conference will discuss on the topics such as Advanced Research in Microbiology and Public Health, Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Discovery of Antibiotics, Virology, Pathology, Microbial Chemistry, Bacteriology & Parasitology, Applied Microbiology, Advances in Microbiology, Applications of Microbes, Infectious Diseases Bioremediation and Biodegradation, Drug Discovery Technologies in Antibiotics, Clinical Microbiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology, Genetic Engineering in Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Medical Microbiology Pharmacology of Antibiotics, Microbial Biofilms, Microbial Biotechnology, Infection & Immunity, Public Health & Epidemiology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Role of Microbes in Public Health, Theoretical and Practical aspects of Microbiology, Microbiology & Molecular Biology, Vaccines & Antibiotics Production, Virology, Pathology.

Microbiology Conference 2020 supported by the organizing committee network of renowned scientific and professional expert such as Giulio Filippo Tarro, Foundation T. & L. Italy Zhao-xiang Bian, Baptist University Hong Kong, Hiroshi Ohrui, Yokohama University. Japan, Ahmed G Hegazi, National Research Center Egypt, it provided a platform for collaboration among colleagues, vendors, and academia to reveal new innovations, solutions, ideas, and emerging technologies in Chemistry.

The market size for Microbiology valued at USD 9.1 billion in 2016 and is expected to develop at a CAGR of 6.7% over the forecast period. Constantly rising of Antibiotics and Public Health is driving market growth. Microbiology and Antibiotics are primarily dia“gnosed by using clinical tests. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 9,421 new cases of tuberculosis, 51,455 new cases of salmonella, and 33,461 new cases of Lyme disease, and in 2014, 433 new cases of meningococcal disease were registered in U.S.


Microbiology Conferences going to be held during January, 2020 to December, 2020 at various cities in Europe (London, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Frankfurt, Vienna, Zurich, Dublin, Edinburgh…. And Many More..!!!


Robert Smith
Program Manager | Microbiology 2020
E-mail: microbiology@euroconclave.com
Phone no: +44-20-39363178
WhatsApp No: +447588772948

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