
Culturally Sensitive Prescribing: How Realistic is this?

Prescribers have an obligation to consider the values and beliefs of their patients when considering medication and medication regimes. Just as any intolerance to an excipient would be addressed, so too should the beliefs of patients around ingesting certain substances, such as animal products and alcohol, or ingesting medication during periods of fasting. All licensed medicines in the UK are provided with a clear list of all active ingredients and excipients, however it is unclear which products are used in the manufacturing processes of these medicines, or how to obtain these details. It is also unclear what impact this lack of information on medicines manufacturing has on patient choice, the observance of fasting and concordance with medication regimes. This report presents some of the considerations for prescribers around culturally sensitive prescribing practice, the challenges of gathering information on medicines manufacturing and suggestions for much needed research.

Author(s): Bridget Taylor*and Melinda Presland

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