Primary Prevention

Primary Prevention Techniques to evade event of infection either through dispensing with illness specialists or expanding imperviousness to sickness. Cases incorporate vaccination against illness, keeping up a solid eating regimen and activity regimen, and abstaining from smoking.

Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs. This is done by preventing exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury, altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviours that can lead to disease or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury should exposure occur.

Primary prevention is concerned with preventing the onset of disease; it aims to reduce the incidence of disease. It involves interventions that are applied before there is any evidence of disease or injury. Examples include protection against the effects of a disease agent, as with vaccination. Primary prevention may be aimed at individuals or at whole communities. Individual approaches (encouraging your patient to stop smoking) have the advantages that the clinician personal contact should be motivational the message can be tailored to the patient, and you can support him in actually making the decision to stop. primary prevention include smoking cessation, preserving good nutritional status, physical fitness, immunization, improving roads, or fluoridation of the water supply as a way to prevent dental caries.

Related Journals of Primary Prevention

Journal of Hypertension, Journal of Osteoporosis and Physical Activity, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.

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