Suwat Saengkerdsub

Suwat Saengkerdsub Suwat Saengkerdsub
Faculty of Agro-Industry, Department of Food Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.


He got B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; then he worked as a researcher under supervision of Professor Kiwamu Minamisawa at Tohoku University, Japan. During working at Chulalongkorn University and Tohoku University, his research was rhizobia-legume interaction At Professor Steven C. Ricke?s laboratory, he obtained the second master degree in Food Science and Technology from Texas A&M University and Ph.D. degree in Poultry Science from the University of Arkansas, USA. As a post-doctoral researcher under Professor Young Min Kwon at the University of Arkansas, he worked with transposon insertion into Salmonella and constructed epitope on Bacillus cell surface for vaccine development in poultry industry. After returning to Thailand, he has worked as a lecturer at Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University, one of the national research universities. During these years, He have cooperation with Japanese scientists for analyzing microbial communities in samples by using Next-generation sequencing.

Research Interest

- Molecular biology in foodborne pathogens - Biofilms in food processing Heterologous expressions using bacteria as hosts; Metagenomes; Fermented foods; Processed meat product development