Editor-in-Chiefs Opinion for Research Creativity

Ramalingam Shanmugam*

Honorary Professor of International Studies, School of Health Administration, Texas State University, USA

*Corresponding Author:
Ramalingam Shanmugam
Honorary Professor of International Studies
School of Health Administration
Texas State University, 601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666, USA
Tel: (512)2459772
E-mail: rs25@txstate.edu

Received date: December 02, 2016; Accepyed date: December 04, 2016; Published date: December 14, 2016

Citation: Shanmugam R. Editor-in-Chief’s Opinion for Research Creativity. Glob J Res Rev. 2016, 3:1.

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In this turning point of life in general and professional life in particular during the 21st Century with an impressive built-in momentum, research creativity receives a global attention for a quantum jump. Whether it is in General Science, Healthcare, Mathematics, Physics or Technology, advancement on one area is quite likely to push forward the frontiers of others. Hence, this international journal with the title “Global Journal of Research and Review” aims at encouraging research creativity and refereed publication of original research, reviews and short communications. Such endeavors help not only to resolve issues and crisis in life but also become building blocks of high quality life for humans and other living species on earth. There are still noncurable mysterious chronic or otherwise illnesses surrounding life and they all deserve research scrutiny and satisfactory resolutions. Research creativity is much needed intelligence and skill towards achieving them.

This journal is intended to be quite instrumental in steering up the research efforts and worthy time of professionals across continents on earth. Developing ideas and tools is one side of a coin and its other side is a clear dissemination and translation of such knowledge. This journal intends to balance these two sides equally and appreciatively. A collective human experience thus far has been rolling on an unmistakable and wise belief that an ounce of prevention is worth more than tons of cure. Clinical research is globally accepted approach to the discovery of medicines, their safe dose levels, effectiveness (including their efficacy) of medications, accurate medical devices, precise and predictable diagnostic products and the last but not least important treatment regimens which are intended for easy and economical human use for high quality healthcare. These may be used for prevention, treatment, diagnosis or for relieving symptoms of a disease and hence the pain or sufferings. This noble process has attracted and attained an impressive level due to globalization worldwide in this modern era of medical tourism for health improvement, reduction of disparities, and protection against health threats that disregard national borders. What else could be more credible vehicle to promote the imperativeness of prevention than this journal.

Resources and time are becoming more and more scarce and limited. With such limitations, information technology (IT) comes in to optimize the resources and time. The information technology (IT) is the application of computers and internet to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. The telemedicine is a case in point. Both patients and professionals providing services to them are in use of IT very successfully. The global technology is an optimal way of diversifying and yet best utilizing knowledge and experiences that are scattered around the world. The IT has drastically changed the economic structure by fast and inexpensive global communications, offering of services, shared decision making, and making excellent assessment of the status. This journal offers opportunity and space to promote IT advanced ideas, tools, and practices in all fields.

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