
Phytochemical Investigation of High Altitude Medicinal Plants Cinnamomum tamala (Buch-Ham) Nees and Eberm and Rhododendron arboreum Smith

The present review provides a detailed information about two high altitude medicinal plants, namely Cinnamomum tamala and Rhododendron arboretum used in curing a number of ailments since ancient time. It highlights the work done since last one decade on chemical constituents, uses, formulations and pharmacological activities of these important medicinal species. These medicinal plants have therapeutic value that aids for alleviating various ailments of humankind. Both these plants are known to have antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial activities, anti-inflammatory and anti- diarrhoeal activites.

Author(s): Shagun Gill, Preeti Panthari and Harsha Kharkwal

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