Gregory Tsoucalas

Gregory Tsoucalas

Gregory Tsoucalas, Scientific Council" and the President of the intern doctors of Saint Savvas hospital.


     Gregory Tsoucalas, native of the Greek island of Skopelos, graduated during the year 2001 from the "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia, School of Medicine and subsequently acquired a Masters Degree in General Medicine at the same university. During 2012, he graduated from the "Hellenic school of Mastology", acquired a PhD Degree in History of Medicine form the "National and Kapodistrian" University of Athens, School of Medicine, and a post graduate Diploma in History of Medicine from "Claude Bernard Lyon 1" University of Lyon. In 2013 acquired a Masters Degree in Management of the End Stage patients from the "National and Kapodistrian" University of Athens, School of Medicine and finished his 5 year specialization in Nuclear Medicine in the anticancer hospital "Saint Savvas" of Athens, being at the same time period a member of the "Scientific Council" and the President of the intern doctors of the same hospital. During 2016 graduated the "European Scholl of Clinical Nutrition". He is an official scientific collaborator of: i) the History of Medicine Department, in the "National and Kapodistrian" University of Athens, School of Medicine, since 2009, ii) the History of Medicine Department, in the "University of Thessaly", Faculty of Medicine, Larissa, since 2013, and iii) in the French Institute of the History of Medicine, University "Claude Bernard Lyon 1", Faculty of Medicine, Lyon, in which he is also an invited lecturer since 2015. He has published more than 250 scientific articles (103 Medline-pubmed) and more than 500 lectures, presentations and posters in national and international meetings. Since 2013 his is a member of the scientific committee of the "Neurological clinic Agios Georgios, Hellenic Reference Centre for Alzheimer Disease and Related Syndromes", in the city of Volos (Alykes), dealing with end stage dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Since 2015 he is an invited lecturer in the post-graduated Master's Degree program "Clinical Nutrition" of the "University of Thessaly", Faculty of Medicine, Larissa.    


Research Interest

Nuclear Medicine-Neurology, History of Medicine, Humanities, Alzheimer Disease and Related Syndromes, End stage Dementia, Geriatrics, Clinical Nutrition, Oncology, Neurology, Psychiatry, General Medicine, Health Economics.