Jan J Michiels

Jan J Michiels
MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Internist Hematologist, Goodheart Institute Rotterdam, Blood Coagulation and Vascular Medicine Science Center, Erasmus City 3069 AT, Netherlands


Dr JJ Michiels is founder of the Goodheart Institute & Foundation in Nature Medicine & Health, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Freedom of Science and Education, European Free University. The author is the founder of the European Working Group on Myeloprliferative Disorders (MPD 1994) Myelorloiferative Neoplasms (MPN 2006) and the International Collaborations and Academich Research on MPN, Co-Founder of the Central European Vascular Forum, Prague, Co-Founder of the VWF-VWD Research Laboratory, University Hospital Antwerp, Dr JJ Michiels serves as consultant professor in the Bloodcoagulation, Hemostasis Research Laboratory (co-founder VWF-VWD research program) at the Department of Hematology University Hospital, Antwerp; as consultant professor in Hematology and Bloodcoagulation, Comenius University, Bratislava and Martin, Slovakia; as consultant professor in Hematology, Romania MPN Working Group, University Hospital Bucharest; consultant to the Dutch Society of Internal Medicine and Ministery of Public Health; consultant of Industrial and Pharmaceutical Medicine; as Editor in Chief of 2 Medical Journals in Hematology and as a guest editor on request and by self initiation. Writing assistance was utilised in the preparation of many recent manuscripts, which are carried out at the Goodheart Institute and Foundation in Nature Medicine and Health, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Research Interest

thrombosis, Benign Monoclonal Gammapathies,