Giulia Montori

Giulia Montori
Resident, General and Emergency Surgery, University of Pavia, Italy


I was born in Bologna in February 1985, I lived and studied until the age of 19 in Montepulciano (Siena, Italy). I started Medicine studies in Siena in 2004 and then I moved to Bolgona where I continued my studies until graduation in Medicine in October 2010 with a thesis about the conservation of the kidney for transplantation. After Medicine course I took the qualification of the practice of the medical profession in February 2011. In June 2011 I started the specialization in General Surgery in Brescia as Resident, and in July 2015 I moved to Pavia from Brescia to continue the Specialization. During my these years i worked in France as Erasmus student and as Resident in 2008-­‐2009 and 2012-­‐2013, and I’m very interesed by the research studies with the publication of many research articles.

Research Interest

My principal interest was in general and emergency surgery and trauma.