Dr. Creazzo Fabrizio

Dr. Creazzo Fabrizio
Chemistry department, Analysis and Modeling Laboratory for Biology and the Environment, University Paris-Saclay, France, Email: fabrizio.creazzo@univ-evry.fr


Creazzo Fabrizio was born in Italy on December 9, 1991. He received his M. degree in Physics (with honors) in 2015 from the University of Messina with a thesis developed in the course of a research period funded by the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme at Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Sorbonne Université (France). He has been employed as a teacher of Physics in a scientific high school in Italy and in 2016 He won a PhD position funding by Laboratory of excellence Charmmmat. He is currently a PhD researcher at Université Paris-Saclay, France. He is member of Italian Society of Physics.

Research Interest

His research interests include first-principles molecular dynamics simulations for structures and dynamics of molecules, clusters, condensed matter, solid-liquid interfaces, water solutions under an external electric field, hydrogen production involved in electro-catalysis.