Bo SongBroad-Certified Andrological Surgeon and Physician,
Guangdong TCM & WT,
Dr. Bo Song is a broad-certified andrological surgery and physician in male infertility, sexual dysfunction and congenital malformation. Dr. Song got bachelor of clinical medicine at Xi?an Medical University in 1994 and master degree from Sun yet-san University of Medical Science in 2001. From 2001, he practices in Peking University Shenzhen Hospital. Now he is a consultant andrological surgeon, member of Guangdong TCM & WT. He performs high volume complicated cases of genital surgery and treats male infertility with medicine. Much of his work has been published on Andrologia or other major peer reviewed journals.
Research Interest
Male infertility, Sexual dysfunction and Congenital malformation,genital surgery and treats male infertility with medicine,sexual dysfunction and congenital malformation.