kenichi MeguroProfessor,
Division of geriatric behavioral Neurology,
Tohuku University CYRIC, Sendai, Japan
Kenichi Meguro is a professor, division of geriatric behavioral Neurology in Tohoku university CYRIC, He is graguated from Tohoku University Graduate school of Medicine, awarded the degree of MD and PhD. kenichi Meguro Medical speciality in board of ineternal Medicine, Clinical Neurology, stroke medicine, Geriatric Pyschiatry, Dementia Medicine, Psychogeriatric and dementia association. He has membership in executive committe of internation Neuropsycgiatric Association, Councilor of japanese soceity of cognitive neruoscience, high brain dyscfunction, neuropsychology association of japan.
Research Interest
Clinical Neurology, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Geriatric pyschiatry