Sang Ho ChoiDirector of National Research Laboratory (NRL) of Molecular Microbiology and Toxicology, seoul National university, S. Korea
Sang Ho Choi got his Ph. D in Microbiology and Immunology, Univ. of Iowa, College of Medicine( 1992). After that he did research on the genetics of marine methylotrophic bacteria with Dr. M. Lidstrom.
In 1993 he did research on bacterial physiology at the molecular level at Yale University .
He has been honoured with Biocatalysis Predoctoral Fellowship from Univ. of Iowa (1991), he has also been awarded for the award for Excellent Paper by MOST, Korea (2004) , SongAm Academic Award ,KSMB, Korea(2007) , Award for Most-citation Paper ,MSK, Korea (2009) and Academic Award of KRIBB,MSK, Korea (2010)
Research Interest
Genomics of pathogenic bacteria,Identification and characterization of pathogenic bacteria, Regulation of viruelence gene expression,Molecular analysis of host-pathogen interactions