Hamid Reza Arandiyan

Hamid Reza Arandiyan Hamid Reza Arandiyan
Senior Research Fellow at University of Sydney, Australia.


He received his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Department (2003) and M.Sc. in the laboratory of Prof. M. Parvari in chemical engineering (2007) from the Iran University of Science and Technology. He attended the Zeolite Research Group (2008) where he was a senior researcher in the Science and Technology Park of Tehran University in the laboratories of Prof. H. Kazemian. He obtained his Ph.D. in School of Environment (2014) at Tsinghua University and recipient of several awards and fellowships, working under the supervision of Prof. Junhua Li. He worked in Prof. Hongxing Dai?s Laboratory of Catalysis Chemistry and Nanoscience group at Beijing University of Technology. Dr. Hamid?s research interests are mainly on new synthesis 3D ordered macroporoous and mesoporous catalysts. Cover characterization and application to heterogeneous transformations of a wide range of pure and multi-component metal nanoparticles. Develop colloidal syntheses strategies to synthesize nanoparticles of transition metals.

Research Interest

Environmental Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Catalytic Process Engineering, Catalytic Process Engineering.