G.WangGuozheng Wang, Principal Clinical Scientist (NHS) and Honorary Reader (University), Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, UK
G. Wang did MBChB (1977-1982), M.D(1985-1988) from Southeast University and Ph.D(1998-2002) from University of Liverpool. He got Government scholarship for working in Cambridge University (1992-1993) and BBSRC fund for working in Oxford University (1994-1997). Since 1997, He has been working in the University of Liverpool. His expertise is mainly in the field of molecular biology, animal models and clinical studies. Current focus is on critical care medicine (mainly sepsis), particularly the roles and underlying molecular mechanisms of coagulation disorders, mal-immune response and multiple organ injury in critical illnesses.
Research Interest
Understanding the pathophysiology of sepsis, including the molecular mechanisms of acute phase response, multiple organ injury, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome as well as the contribution of genetic factors to septic shock, and the roles of damage-associated molecular patterns. Developing diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools to improve the clinical management of sepsis and other critical illnesses