Dr. Radhashree MaitraAssistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, USA
Radhashree Maitra 15 years of extensive training in Molecular and Cellular Biology as well as in cutting edge Immunology. During this period she developed skills and expertise in independently designing and executing experiments
as a module to find scientific explanations of any challenging biological question. For last five years she involved in doing translational research to delineate the molecular basis of human colorectal canceras a step towards finding the cure. She has previous research experience with mouse model of human disease and she feel confident in doing preclinical / translational investigation with Reovirus as atherapeutic tool for cure of K-RAS mutated metastatic colorectal cancer. In the current project I aim to target TLR3 in effort to increase therapeutic efficacy of reovirus.
Research Interest
Neurology, Molecular Biology and Genetics Plant Molecular Biology Molecular, Cell Biology And Immunology