Di YUPost Doctrate,Department of Immunology,Genetics and Pathology
Uppsala University,Sweden.
Di Yu is born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in P. R. of China. He started his research in Prof. Xiaochen Li?s lab in Shaanxi Normal University where he investigated the Tardigrade fauna in China and has discovered 6 new species of Tardigrade. After that, he started working at Prof. Essand lab in Uppsala University in Sweden and got his PhD degree in 2013. During that time, he developed a new technology for adenovirus surface modification and has developed a novel oncolytic adenovirus for treatment of neuroendocrine cancer. This work was further supported by public donation and a clinical trial was started in 2016 to evaluate this virus on patients suffering neuroendocrine cancer. During his postdoc training, he developed a new technology for long-term T-cell engineering without the genome insertion of transgene. This work decreases the genotoxicity of the currently used viral vectors in cell engineering. He is now in the phase of establishing his own group and the research is focused on virus-mediated immunotherapy for cancer.
Research Interest
Viral vectors,Oncolytic virus,Virus induced celldeath,
Immunotherapy,CAR-T cells,Immunogenic cell death