Albert Ivanov KrastanovUniversity of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Born June 30, 1960 in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. In 2007 he was awarded the scientific degree "Doctor of Technical Sciences". Since the following year he has been a full professor at the Department of Biotechnology, and since 2012 he has been his head. Specialized in Italy, Japan, USA, and France. In 2001 he was a visiting professor at the University of Osaka, Japan. Invited lectures in Italy, USA, India and Japan. Prof. Krastanov is the author of over 185 scientific publications and 8 textbooks on biochemistry, biotechnology and enzymology. His scientific achievements are cited 2500 times by the international scientific community. He leads and participates in a number of scientific and international projects of the EU's Seventh Framework Program, in the US, Japan, Italy and Germany. Member of the Editorial Board of 8 international journals.
Research Interest
enzyme technology and enzyme engineering, biodegradation, biotransformation and antioxidant properties of biologically active substances, biocatalysis in homogeneous and heterogeneous environment, microbial biosynthesis and purification of enzymes, probiotics, metabolomics and aquaphotomics of lactic acid bacteria