Fingerprint Geometric Analysis, Bronx, NY, USA Email:


My experience in the performance of finger print identification encompasses research and study of the dermatoglyphic configurations. I provided instruction on the identification of fingerprints for the City of New York Department of Correction Training Academy; which included lectures in that discipline. During 1988, I assisted in the composition of a lesson plan on fingerprint interpretation. By 1989, I was known within the department to hold an interest in this area. It was in that year and the subsequent that the Department of Correction City of New York authorized my attendance into the FBI fingerprint classes. From 1979 to the present, I have been conducting independent research on the combination of fingerprint patterns and their frequency for each digit. In reference to the filing of ten set fingerprint record cards, I am familiar with the Henry System of Fingerprint Classification and Filing. However, I have originally noted that the classification formula derived after an examination of the fingerprints varies according to jurisdictional venue. Notwithstanding, all jurisdictions communicate and utilize the National Crime Information Center Fingerprint Classification (NCIC FPC) in the same manner. This was the reason for the development of the NCIC FPC Filing Sequence Formula in 1981, which was later published by the International Association for Identification in February of 1983 and in 2017 was revised and improved for publication in the journal of Medical and Clinical Archives. The aforementioned is a new innovation of the formula that would be beneficial to the law enforcement, academic and medical communities so that we can globally share the interpretations of the same fingerprint pattern discoveries. In addition, I created the Fingerprint Diagonal Reverse Sequence Arrangement which is the central theme of my theory in Sacred Geometry, a fingerprint formula which asserts its foundation on the dimensions of the perimeter of the Great Pyramid Khufu in Giza Egypt, which reflects time and space in its construction. It provides a way in which individuals can work together in harmony by team development according to fingerprint codes.

Research Interest

Fingerprint Geometric Analysis