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Infectious Diseases 2018

Journal of Prevention and Infection Control

ISSN: 2471-9668

Page 50

June 07-08, 2018

London, UK



Edition of International Conference on

Infectious Diseases


Electronic reporting was officially implemented

in Azerbaijan in 2010 through electronic integrated disease

surveillance system (EIDSS), which allows storage and tracking

of surveillance data for 67 notifiable diseases. The aim of this

work was to explain the importance of maintaining a high level of

electronic reporting in the country.


Achi-square trend testwasconductedbyusingofEpi-Info

software to assess significant changes in data quality indicators

for brucellosis: timeliness of data entry and completeness of

laboratory and epidemiological data over the period 2010-2017.


A total of 2824 cases of human brucellosis were reported

to the EIDSS during the study period. Timeliness of data entry

into EIDSS significantly increased from 25.7% (2010) up to 92.6%

(2017) (p<0.001). The proportion of completed fields for sample

collection data increased from88.3% in 2010 to 98.2% in 2017. The

laboratory data entry into EIDSS was not completed in 2010, and

completeness of laboratory data (conducting of test, test name,

test result) has increased since 2013 (84.5%, 84.5% and 82.2%

respectively) and have significantly improved by years reaching

a maximum value for all indicators – 95.9% in 2017 in average

(p<0.001). Possible measures for increasing of data quality

might be entering of information directly by medical institutions;

conducting of remote online trainings on user’s workplaces;

simplification of laboratory module’s interface and continued

implementation of data quality indicators, developed by Ministry of

Health and ongoing monitoring by EIDSS working group.


Timeliness of data entry, completeness of laboratory

and epidemiological data for brucellosis has significantly improved

over the years after introducing of EIDSS. Ongoing evaluation of

EIDSS data quality indicators for all notifiable diseases should be

conducted in order to ensure data quality and timely identification

of data  reporting issues.

Recent Publications

1. Abdullaev R. Ismailova R., Rasulzade Z., et al. (2013)

Epidemiological Features of Brucellosis among Human

in Azerbaijan / Journal “The modern achievements of

Azerbaijan medicine”, 2013, N4, Baku, Azerbaijan

2. Rasulzade Z., Malakmadze N., Maes Ed (2015)

Improvement of surveillance indicators after

implementation of electronic reporting in Azerbaijan,

2010-2013 / European Scientific Conference on Applied

Infectious Disease Epidemiology ESCAİDE-2016,

Stockholm, Sweden, 11-13 November 2015.

3. Rasulzade Z., Tsilosani M., Maes Ed, Tongren Eric

(2016) Prerequisite of standardization of data collection

parameters for data exchange between countries,

Azerbaijan and Georgia, 2011-2015 / 5



İnternational Scientific-Practical Conference «Medicine

pressing questions» 29-30-April, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan

4. Jabanov M., Eristavi E., Rasulzade R. et al.(2016)

Differences in data collection parameters distorts

of comparative analyses of morbidity data between

countries, Azerbaijan and Georgia, 2012-2014 /

ESCAİDE-2016, Stockholm, Sweden, 28-30 November


5. Rasulzade Z. (2017) The Impact of implementation of

electronic reporting of EDPon strengthening of biosafety

and biosecurity in Azerbaijan / 20


Annual Conference

of the European Biosafety Association, Spain, Madrid,

2017, 27-29, April, abstract book, page 132.


Z Rasulzade works as a Data Manager in Republican Anti-Plague Station since 2012.

Currently, she is a member of EIDSS administrative working group at the Ministry of

Health. She worked as a Scientist in National Research Institute of Medical Prophylax-

is (Baku, Azerbaijan) during 1997-2006. She defended her PhD from Azerbaijan Na-

tional Academy of Sciences on Microbiology and Hygiene in 2011. She successfully

graduated from South Caucasus Field Epidemiology and Laboratory training two-year

program (SC/FELTP) in 2014. Since 2017, she is a Member of Azerbaijan Science Di-

plomacy Support Center’s working group. She is an author of 11 published articles.

Importance of evaluation of the quality of EIDSS’ data and

maintaining a high level of electronic reporting in Azerbaijan

Z Rasulzade


, N Ustun


, R Ismailova


, N Mursalova


, O Salimov



V Qasimov



Republican Anti-Plaque Station, Azerbaijan


Ministry of Health, Azerbaijan

Z Rasulzade et al., J Prev Infect Cntrol 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9668-C1-003