Vladimir Ivanovich ShevtsovProfessor, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, General Director of Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics (RISC RTO), Russia.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science, an honorary citizen of the city of Kurgan. Born Dec. 30, 1938 in the Orenburg region, the village of Cherkassy. Shevtsov VI after the end of the Orenburg Medical Institute in 1963, worked as a surgeon, in 1965 he was appointed chief doctor of the district hospital Yurgamyshskoy Kurgan region. In 1969 he was elected to contest the post junior researcher, then senior researcher, head of research laboratory of the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology. In 1983 he was appointed Deputy Director for Science Institute said. In 1977 he successfully defended his thesis, and in 1987 doctoral dissertation. In 1992, VI Shevtsov team headed by the Russian Scientific Center (Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics) named after academician Ilizarov. On the basis of scientific achievements in 2000 was elected to the vacant position of member of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a degree in traumatology and orthopedics. Research interests of Professor VI Shevtsov relate not only to the classical questions of traumatology and orthopedics, and morphology, biochemistry, biomechanics, computer simulation, and many others. Under his leadership in recent years developed a number of biological products for the stimulation of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis on ultrostrukturnom level studied the regeneration of brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves and blood vessels, has developed various options stimulating osteogenesis, including the creation of biologically active additives for mineral-rich regenerate, use of autologous bone brain and biomechanical methods of educating regenerate. The contribution of VI Shevtsov in the implementation and development of the method transosseous osteosynthesis in spine surgery. By a team under his leadership developed devices and methods of correction of various pathologies of the spine. In the process of experimental and clinical testing of these methods and devices, performed electrophysiological, morphological, biochemical, radionuclide and other studies of the reaction of the neuromuscular system in the process of osteosynthesis for injuries and correct kyphoscoliosis. The value of ongoing research in this area is confirmed by patenting them in Japan, South Korea and the patent agency of the European Community. These devices allow patients to activate early and achieve positive outcomes in more than 90% of cases. For the first time in the world of clinical practice, led by Professor V. Shevtsov, the methods of compensation skull defects by obtaining bone regenerate from their own tissue, allowing, along with the elimination of bone pathology, generate additional bloodstream in the treatment of the effects of ischemic lesions of the brain (stroke). VI Shevtsov a scientific school on study opportunities transosseous osteosynthesis in traumatology and orthopedics, as evidenced made under his leadership 24 doctoral and 41 masters theses. For many years he was professor of international courses on the study and application of the Ilizarov apparatus and method in foreign countries; He is an honorary director and principal consultant Centre for clean Ilizarov techniques at New York Hospital joint disease; Member of the International Society of Orthopaedic surgical trauma (SISOT), the French Society of Traumatology and orthopedic (SOFSOT), an honorary member of the Macedonian Society for Traumatology and orthopedic (MADOT); Honored Scientist of the European scientific community. Was awarded the Order For Services to the Fatherland 1V degree, Badge of Honor and medals; Married with a daughter. Hobbies: hunting, skiing, reading classic Russian literature.
Research Interest
Research interests of Professor VI Shevtsov relate not only to the classical questions of traumatology and orthopedics, and morphology, biochemistry, biomechanics, computer simulation, and many others. Under his leadership in recent years developed a number of biological products for the stimulation of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis on ultrostrukturnom level studied the regeneration of brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves and blood vessels, has developed various options stimulating osteogenesis, including the creation of biologically active additives for mineral-rich regenerate, use of autologous bone brain and biomechanical methods of educating regenerate.