Soo-Youn Ham

Soo-Youn Ham Soo-Youn Ham
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Korea University Medical Center Anam Hospital, Anam-dong, Sungbuk-gu, Republic of Korea, 02841. Email:


I've been working for the hospital over 13 years, actually my major is Diagnostic Radiology, subspecialty is chest and oncology imaging, and especially interest in tumor ablation. I?ve graduated from Korea University hospital in 1988, and residency in the same hospital with fellowship from 1994 to 1996. Staring the faculty in the Ulsan University hospital. I?m the member of the Korean Thoracic Radiology and ISALC, working member of the Korean Imaging Society of Lung Cancer. For recent 5 years, working for the review of the Korean J of Radiology.

Research Interest

Research interest is chest imaging and tumor ablation, oncology.