Professor Ralph Martins AO

Professor Ralph Martins AO Professor Ralph Martins AO
Professor,Biomedical Sciences at Macquarie University, Foundation Chair of Aging and Alzheimer's disease, Edith Cowan University Australia


Professor Ralph Martins has dedicated the last 33 years to Alzheimer?s Disease (AD) research. He is well-known and highly respected internationally as a prominent researcher in the field. His insight into this devastating disease has led to a number of ground breaking discoveries including the pioneering discovery of Beta-amyloid and its precursor the amyloid precursor protein (APP), an important protein found in the brains of Alzheimer?s patients now universally acknowledged as being fundamental to the pathology of this disease. His identification of oxidative stress in the Alzheimer brain has also been described as a significant landmark in the history of the disease. Professor Martins and his team have been at the forefront globally in developing non-invasive and cost-effective early diagnostics for pre-clinical AD. They are also progressing a highly innovative program of therapeutic strategies and preventative interventions in pre-clinical AD. Current Key Professional Appointments: Joint Appointment ? Professor in Biomedical Sciences (Macquarie University) and Foundation Professor and Inaugural Chair in Ageing and Alzheimer?s Disease (Edith Cowan University); Director of Research & Founder, Australian Alzheimer?s Research Foundation; Australia Day Ambassador; Rotarian Action Group Board member; Board Member of Co-Operative Research Centre for Mental Health; Board Member of the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) which is an influential and prominent non-governmental organisation working closely with the United Nations and the World Health Organization (Martins is the only researcher representing the Australian research community); Board member of the Maggie Beer Foundation.

Research Interest

understanding the mechanisms and factor(s) leading to the abnormal release, deposition of ?A4 in Alzheimer's disease.