Patil shital vishnuAssociate Professor & Head, Pulmonary & Critical care Medicine, MIMSR Medical college, Latur, India
At present working in Department of Pulmonary medicine MIMSR Medical College Latur India as Associate Professor and Head, looking after routine outdoor, indoor, ICU and Bronchoscopy units and involved in diagnosis and treatment of Lung Cancer, Tuberculosis, COPD, Asthma, Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
As a ?Director? of Venkatesh chest hospital and critical care center looking after Intensive care unit, Indoor and Outdoor units and involved in Interventional pulmonology services at this center. Special clinics in COPD, ILD and Asthma.
Research Interest
diagnosis and treatment of Lung Cancer, Tuberculosis, COPD, Asthma, Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.