Milad MehdizadehTransport Expert, Traffic Laboratory, Iran University of Science & Technology, Iran.
Dr. Mehdizadeh has been awarded Ph.D. from Iran University of Science & Technology.He has publications over 22 journals and conference papers. He is having many honours and awards like Best paper award in ICTTE 2014: the 13th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, Tehran, Iran. 2st place, Transportation Engineering Group, Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), 2014.
Score of 20/20 from Master of science Thesis in Civil Engineering with emphasis on Transportation Planning in Tarbiat Modares university (Referees: Dr. Porzahedi & Dr. Seyed Abrishami).
Best paper award in International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2015, Madrid.Won The Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST) Honor Students Ph.D Entrance Award, 2015.
1st place among Ph.D. students, Transportation Engineering Group, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), 2016. He is also a Member of the Editorial Board, SM PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Dover, DE 19904, USA, 2017-present.
Research Interest
? The Study of Travel Behaviour
? Behavioural Models
? Discrete Choice Models
? Transport & Health
? Psychology in Transportation
? Transportation Demand Analysis
? Transport & Traffic Safety
? Environment & Transportation
? Driver Behaviour
? Activity Based Model (Approach) in Transportation Planning
? Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), motivated by the book: Principles and practice of Structural Equation Modelling, 4th edition, Rex B. Kline, 2015.