Ines Ribeiro Cadorio

Ines Ribeiro Cadorio Ines Ribeiro Cadorio
Ines Ribeiro Cadorio University of Aveiro Member of Center for Health Technology and Services Research Portugal


Ines Ribeiro Cadorio University of Aveiro member of Center for Health Technology and Services Research Portugal PhD in Psychology University of Aveiro Masters in Speech and Hearing Sciences ? University of Aveiro member of Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS.UA)

Research Interest

-Primary progressive aphasia -Cognitive-linguistic treatments on PPA - fMRI as a tool to assess treatment effectiveness on PPA patients - Generalization patterns of therapy gains on PPA patients - Maintenance of therapy gains after PPA treatment completion - Neuromodulatory techniques available for PPA (tDCS and rTMS) - Use of aphasia software on PPA rehabilitation - Neuroimaging changes pre to post-treatment of PPA