Gabriele Guidi

Gabriele Guidi Gabriele Guidi
senior medical physicist at the Az. University Hospital of Modena (Italy) Applied Physics, University of Bologna Faculty of Medicine, Academic Affairs,McGill University Mountain 3605, 3605 rue de la Montagne Montreal, Quebec H3G 2M1


I?m working as senior medical physicist at the Az. Ospedaliero-Universitaria of Modena (Italy). My research encompasses Tomotherapy and Total Body Irradiation, 4DRT, image reconstruction and radiotracer production. Today, I focus my research in Adaptive Radiation Therapy, organ motion and biomechanical modeling. I have developed novel approaches for daily re-planning and dose accumulation using predictive analysis, Neural Network and Bayesian tools. I am responsible for the clinical service, the Treatment Planning LAB and Quality Assurance programs. I?m providing advanced planning for SBRT, Radiosurgery, Tomotherapy/IMRT/VMAT, Brachytherapy and TBI. I ensure plan calculation and patients QA using a multiple suites of Treatment Planning System. I am problem-solving oriented. I have supervised students during courses, thesis programs and scientific works.

Research Interest

Medical Physics, Radiation Oncology, Biology