Dr. Yunbiao Wang

Dr. Yunbiao Wang Dr. Yunbiao Wang
wangyb@iga.ac.cn Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Dr. Yunbiao Wang completed his Ph.D. degree requirement from Northeast Normal University in 2008 and achieved postdoc training in Peking University in 2010. He is currently an Associate Research Professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences. He had a funding opportunity for conducting overseas research in the University of Georgia from 2013. During his graduate study and thereafter, Dr. Yunbiao Wang has been doing research in the fields of environmental toxicology, public health and molecular ecotoxicology.

Research Interest

Heat shock proteins responses in C. elegans under exposures of heavy metals and pesticides Toxicology mechanism of chemicals stress in nematodes Using nematodes as biomarkers to identify specific stress Why and how nematodes could enter a quiescent state of diapause called dauber.