Yeghis KeheyanProfessor, Boulder University of Colorado, Italy
Her long scientific activity was in different fields, but recently has mainly focused Study of degradation process in papers, aged and non, new and ancient papers, influence of iron-gall inks on papers by Pyrolysis gas chromatography, mass spectrometry. Study of the Armenian medieval colours by spectroscopy techniques. During her visiting as professor in Boulder University of Colorado, she came in contact with topics related to Astrochemistry (Nature, 1998). Once back to Rome she continued work on this theme. Here group had many projects form Italian Space Agency (2000-2004), (2006-2010), participant of COST 0805 project, Marco Polo-R ESA, VISTA ASI related to astrochemistry and astrobiology. At Nuclear Chemistry Institute (now Institute of Chemical Methodologies) activity for several years was Nuclear Chemistry, mechanisms of ion-molecular reactions
Research Interest
Study of degradation process in papers, aged and non, new and ancient papers, influence of iron-gall inks on papers by Pyrolysis gas chromatography, mass spectrometry. Study of the Armenian medieval colours by spectroscopy techniques.