Dr Shabir Ahmad Parray

Dr Shabir Ahmad Parray Dr Shabir Ahmad Parray
Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmus Saidla, Unani Pharmacy, India.


Dr Shabir Ahmad Parray has done his PG (M.D) in Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology) from National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore, India, Presently working as Assistant Professor in Dept. Of Ilmus Saidla (Unani Pharmacy), MTC Malegaon Nashik India. He has published more than 38 research papers in peer reviewed journals. He is expert in unani pathy, well acquinted with both classical and modern knowledge on herbs. He has done experimental studies on hyperlipidemia on rabbits. Many expert review papers published from unani and modern view point and their corelation in current era. Expert in 5 languages.

Research Interest

Atherosclerosis, Lipid Peroxidation, Pharmacovigilance, Kidney, Plant Extracts, Herbs, Aromatic Plants.