Dr. Kelly P Coca

Dr. Kelly P Coca Dr. Kelly P Coca
Professor, Department of Nursing in Womens Paulista School of Nursing Health, Brazil


Graduated in Nursing (2001) and specialization in Obstetric Nursing (2002) Federal University of Sao Paulo ? UNIFESP, Certification as a Specialist in Breastfeeding by International Board Certified Lactation Consultant - IBCLC (2008-2017), Master of Science - Nursing Obstetric (2005) by the Federal University of Sao Paulo - UNIFESP (2013). Is currently a Professor in the Department of Nursing in Womens Paulista School of Nursing Health - EPE / UNIFESP. Develops activity coordinator mentoring in the course of Specialization in Prenatal Care, Residents Midwifery and Breastfeeding Programs in UNIFESP / Brazil Open University distance mode since 2009 Member of the research group and CENFOBS GEPAM UNIFESP-Escola Paulista de Enfemagem - UNIFESP and Member of the International Association Consulting Breastfeeding - ILCA.

Research Interest

Research Interests in Maternal Child Nursing, with an emphasis on breastfeeding and midwifery, breastfeeding, nipple trauma, postpartum, premature, low level laser, milk bank and trial.