Dr. Angelo LavanoProf. Angelo Lavano received his Medicine and Surgery Graduate from the 2° Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - University of Naples, in 1981 and finished his neurosurgical training at the Neurosurgical Department of the 2° University Hospital of Naples in 1986 He completed two years of fellowship training at Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska Sjukuset, Stockholm Sweden (Prof. Functional B. Meyerson - Functional Neurosurgery; Prof. J. Boethius-Neuroncology).
Prof. Angelo Lavano received his Medicine and Surgery Graduate from the 2° Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - University of Naples, in 1981 and finished his neurosurgical training at the Neurosurgical Department of the 2° University Hospital of Naples in 1986 He completed two years of fellowship training at Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska Sjukuset, Stockholm Sweden (Prof. Functional B. Meyerson - Functional Neurosurgery; Prof. J. Boethius-Neuroncology). He joined the Division of Neurosurgery of the University Hospital of Catanzaro as an Assistant Professor and currently he is Chief of Neurosurgical Department/Functional and Stereaotactic Neurosurgery Division of the University Hospital of Catanzaro.. Since 2011 is Full Professor of Neurosurgey, at the School of Medicine and Surgery , University ? Magna Graecia? of Catanzaro and Teacher of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery at the Neurosurgical Training School of University of Catanzaro/ University Federico II of Naples. From 2011 he was President of Section of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery of Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch)
Research Interest
Spinal neuromodulation for pain management and brain neuromodulation (DBS and MCS) for pain, movement disorders and epilepsy.