Adriana Valélia SaraceniVisting Researcher at University of Toronto,Canada
ADRIANA VALÃLIA SARACENI is Ph.D. Visting Researcher at University of Toronto, focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for industrial field. She is also researcher in Industrial Engineering at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil. Has Master in Industrial Engineering (2014), has specialization in Business Management, has Bachelor in Economics, has ESL extension course at HARVARD UNIVERSITY, USA. In 2013, she participated presenting research and as a member of the AAAS Meeting organization, headquartered in Boston, MA, USA. In the same year, she received the award of ?Best article of ENEGEP? (Industrial Engineering Conference) from her research ?Industrial Symbioses: an alternative sustainable development for industrial production?. As result of her masters's dissertation, the project became a Patent deposit: Privilege Innovation. registration number: BR1020150022964, filing date: 02/02/2015, titled "Method for Industrial Symbiosis Evaluation" record Institution: INPI - National Industrial Property Institute.
Research Interest
Industrial Management,Business Network and Sustainable Development.