Editorial Board Member

Editorial Board Member
Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Dept of Pathology University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada


Dr. Timbre Pringle got his medical degree from Warsaw Medical School, Poland. The residency in surgical pathology at the University of Toronto allowed him to get certified in that field in 1983. After two years at the Department of Pathology of Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto he moved to the Dept of Pathology of the University of Calgary where he is a clinical professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the moment. He has published 132 papers which reflect his scientific interests. There are in the fields of colorectal and pulmonary neoplasi as well as hepatology. Over a period of 10 years he gave courses on hepatopathology and gastrointestinal pathology at the Canadian Association of Pathology. He sat in the committees of multiple granting agencies in Canada and was on the editorial board of the International Journal of Surgical pathology.

Research Interest

His research interest includes colorectal and pulmonary neoplasy and hepatology